
Art Stuff & Commissions

Commission details

  • Send an email, or private message to any of the above contact options, describing what you would like drawn and including links to reference images if you have them.

  • It takes between a week and three weeks to finish a piece completely.

  • Payment is made after we agree on the rough sketch and price.

  • Payment is through Paypal or international wire only.

  • The prices listed are approximate and will likely vary depending on complexity.

  • Not any good at NSFW.

Price estimates

Icons Avatars and busts

Start at $25 USD

Half body Drawings

Start at $40 USD

Full(ish) body Drawings

Start at $65 USD

Prices for something else?

  • I can also draw short comics and make illustrated Archviz at request, feel free to contact me for either.